Added error skip so program doesn't stop converting remain files.Added zero-key encrypted ROM support, no xorpad required.Added KeyX extraction from 'boot9.bin' file, no xorpad required if proper key provided.Note: Program scans every subfolder, please avoid folder with too many subfolders. Select folder with *.3ds files and wait for program to finish. exe, then press Convert 3DS ROM to CIA button. Put your boot9.bin file in the same folder as the.
Just hold Start+Select+X on boot and it will be saved to the /boot9strap/ folder on your SD card. To use, you will need to obtain boot9.bin file from your 3DS (require B9S hack installed on your 3DS to generate the file). With version 5.0 of the program XORpads are no longer required if proper boot9.bin file detected in the same folder. With version 4.0 it is able to patch minimum required kernel version (FW Spoof) and RegionFree, which requires *.exefs_norm.xorpad's. NET Framework or any other programs and scripts. This is a tool for converting 3DS ROMs to a CIA format, designed to be user-friendly and does not uses Python or.